Erde 198F Braked Trailer with Hard Top

Goods trailer hire

Erde 198F Braked Hard-top

Towing and trailers offers a braked camping trailer hire using an Erde 198F Braked Hard-top trailer with ABS hard top.

The trailer is ideal for camping and lighter duties. It comes complete with, brakes, spare wheel, jockey wheel, drop down tailgate and a lockable lid. The trailer also has a tipping mechanism. To book a trailer hire, please call 01909 473749.

Trailer Information 

Overall Length6′
Overall Width3’9″
Carrying Capacity563kg
Hire Charges
1 Day£25£25 per day
2 Days£44£22  per day
3 Days£54£18 per day
5 Days£75£15  per day
1 Week£87£12.42 per day
2 Weeks£150£10.71 per day
Calendar Month£260£8.66 per day
Other information
Deposit Required£100

Terms & Conditions

When booking a trailer, we require the hire costs to be paid up front and in full to secure the booking. Upon arrival, a £100 deposit is to be paid in cash only.

The trailer will be checked over on its return and the deposit will be refunded accordingly. We also require 2x forms of identification when collecting the trailer: both must have the hirer’s current address and at least one document needs to have a photograph.

If any of the above is not correctly carried out, the trailer hire will not be honoured.

Trailer Hire Cancellation

If for any reason you cannot / no longer need to hire the trailer, then we must be informed within 2 days of the trailer hire.

If cancellation notice is not given at least 2 days before the collection day, no refund will be given.

Please follow this link for more details: Trailer Hire Terms & Conditions

Please Note – If you have any questions or if you would like any further information regarding this product. Then please feel free to call us on 01909 473749. We are more then happy to help and look forward to your call.

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